2020-11-10 10:42:28
化學腐蝕 Chemical corrosion 電泳 Electrophoresis
雙電層 Electric double layer 電動勢 Electromotive force
雙極性電極 Bipolar electrode 電流密度 Current density
分散能力 Throwing power 電流密度范圍 Current density range
分解電壓 Decomposition voltage 電流效率 Current efficiency
不溶性陽極(惰性陽極)Inert anode 電極 Electrode
電化學 Electrochemistry 電極電位 Electrode potential
電化學極化(活化極化)Activation polarization 電解質 Electrolyte
電化學腐蝕 Electrochemical corrosion 電解液 Electrolytic solution
電化當量 Electrochemical equivalent 電離度 Degree of ionization
電導率(比電導)Conductivity 半電池 Half-Cell Stray current
去極化Depolarization 導電鹽Conducting salt
平衡電極電位 Equilibrium electrode-potential 光亮電流密度范圍Bright current density range
正極 Positive electrode 體積電流密度Volume current density
負極 Negative electrode 沉積速度Deposition rate
陰極 Cathode 初次電流分布Primary current distribution
陰極極化 Cathode polarization 局部腐蝕Local corrosion
陰極鍍層 Cathodic coating 極化Polarization
陽極 Anode 極化度Polarizability
陽極泥 Anode slime 極化曲線Polarizability
陽極極化 Anode polarization 極間距Interelectrode distance
陽極鍍層 Anode coating 乳化Emulsification
遷移數 Transport number 應力腐蝕Stress corrosion
過電位 Overpotential 析氣Gassing
擴散層 Diffusion layer 活化Activation
雜散電流 Activity 活度Basis material
標準電極電位 Standard electrode potential 輔助陽極Auxiliary anode
濃差極化 Concentration polarization 輔助陰極Auxiliarv cathode
鈍化 Passivation 接觸電位 Contact potential
點腐蝕 Spot corrosion 晶間腐蝕 Intercrystauine corrosion
絡合物 Complex compound 溶度積Solubility product
復鹽 Double salt 溶解度Solubility
氫脆 Hydrogen embrittlement 微觀分散能力Microthrowing power
界面張力 Interfacial tension 槽電壓Tank voltage
臨界電流密度 Critical current density 靜態電極電位Static electrode potential
原電池(自發電池)Galvanic cell 鰲合物Chelate compound
鹽橋 Salt bridge 整平作用Leveling action
PH值 PH Value 覆蓋能力 Covering power
基體材料 Basis material
氣相沉積 Vapor deposition
化學鍍Electroless plating
化學鈍化Chemical passivation
化學氧化 Chemical oxidation
電鍍 Electroplating
疊加電流電鍍 Superimposed current-elec-troplating
光亮電鍍 Bright plating
合金電鍍 Alloy plating
多層電鍍 Multilayer plating
沖擊電流 Striking current
金屬電沉積Metal electrodeplsition
金屬噴鍍 Metal spraying
刷鍍Brush plating
周期換向鍍 Periodic reverse plating
轉化膜 Conversion coating
掛鍍 Rack plating
復合電鍍(彌散電鍍)Composite plating
脈沖電鍍 Pulse plating
真空鍍(真空蒸發鍍) Vacuum deposition
熱浸鍍 Hot dipping
離子鍍 Ion plating
浸鍍 Immersion plating
高速電鍍High Speed electrodeposition
滾鍍 Barrel plating
塑料電鍍 Plating on plastics
磷化 Phosphating
化學鍍光Chemical polishing
化學除油Alkaline degreasing
電拋光 Electropolshing
電解除油 Electrolytic degreasing
電解浸蝕 Electrolytic pickling
出光 Bright dipping
機械拋光 Mechanical polishing
有機溶劑除油 Solvent degreasing
光亮浸蝕 Bright pickling
汞齊化 Blue dip
刷光 Brushing
乳化除油 Emulsion degreasing
除氫 Removal of hydrogen embrittlement
逆流漂流 Countercurrent rinsing
封閉 Sealing
染著力 Dyeing power
退鍍 Strip
熱擴散 Diffusion
熱溶 Flash melting
預鍍 Strike
著色 Colouring
脫色 Decolorization
噴丸Grit blasting
噴砂 Sand blasting
噴射清洗 Spray rinsing
超聲波清洗 Ultrasonic cleaning
弱浸蝕 Acid diping
緞面加工 Satin finish
強浸蝕 Pickling
滾光 Barrel burnishing
磨光 Grinding
陽極袋 Anlde bag
光亮劑 Brightening agent
助濾劑 Filteraid
表面活性劑 Surface-active agent
乳化劑 Emulsifying agent
絡合劑 Complexing agent
絕緣層 Resist
掛具(夾具) Plating rack
潤濕劑 Wetting agent
離心干燥機 Contrifugr
添加劑 Addition agent
緩沖劑 Buffer
移動陰極 Swept cathode
隔膜 Diaphragm
鰲合劑 Chelating agent
整平劑 levelling agent
匯流排 Busbar
水的軟化 Softening of water
大氣暴露試驗 Atmospheric corrosion test
中性鹽霧試驗 Salt spray test
不連續水膜 Water break
PH計 PH meter
孔隙率 Porosity
內應力 Internal stress
甘汞電極 Calomel electrode
電導儀 Conductivity gauge
泛點 Spotting out
針孔 Pores
參比電極 Reference electrode
變色 Tarnish
點滴腐蝕試驗 Dropping corrosion test
測厚儀 Thickness gauge
玻璃電極 Glass electrode
結合力 Adhesion
哈林槽Haring cell
恒電位法 Potentiostatic method
恒電流法Galvanostatic method
樹枝狀結晶 Trees
脆性 Embrittlement
超皮 Peeling
剝離 Spalling
桔皮 Orange peel
離子選擇性電極 Ion selective electrode
海綿狀鍍層 Sponge deposit
燒焦鍍層 Burnt deposit
麻點 Pits
粗糙 Stardusting
晶須 Whiskers
腐蝕膏試驗 Corrldkote test
霍爾槽 Hull cell
化學腐蝕 Chemical corrosion 電泳 Electrophoresis
雙電層 Electric double layer 電動勢 Electromotive force
雙極性電極 Bipolar electrode 電流密度 Current density
分散能力 Throwing power 電流密度范圍 Current density range
分解電壓 Decomposition voltage 電流效率 Current efficiency
不溶性陽極(惰性陽極)Inert anode 電極 Electrode
電化學 Electrochemistry 電極電位 Electrode potential
電化學極化(活化極化)Activation polarization 電解質 Electrolyte
電化學腐蝕 Electrochemical corrosion 電解液 Electrolytic solution
電化當量 Electrochemical equivalent 電離度 Degree of ionization
電導率(比電導)Conductivity 半電池 Half-Cell Stray current
去極化Depolarization 導電鹽Conducting salt
平衡電極電位 Equilibrium electrode-potential 光亮電流密度范圍Bright current density range
正極 Positive electrode 體積電流密度Volume current density
負極 Negative electrode 沉積速度Deposition rate
陰極 Cathode 初次電流分布Primary current distribution
陰極極化 Cathode polarization 局部腐蝕Local corrosion
陰極鍍層 Cathodic coating 極化Polarization
陽極 Anode 極化度Polarizability
陽極泥 Anode slime 極化曲線Polarizability
陽極極化 Anode polarization 極間距Interelectrode distance
陽極鍍層 Anode coating 乳化Emulsification
遷移數 Transport number 應力腐蝕Stress corrosion
過電位 Overpotential 析氣Gassing
擴散層 Diffusion layer 活化Activation
雜散電流 Activity 活度Basis material
標準電極電位 Standard electrode potential 輔助陽極Auxiliary anode
濃差極化 Concentration polarization 輔助陰極Auxiliarv cathode
鈍化 Passivation 接觸電位 Contact potential
點腐蝕 Spot corrosion 晶間腐蝕 Intercrystauine corrosion
絡合物 Complex compound 溶度積Solubility product
復鹽 Double salt 溶解度Solubility
氫脆 Hydrogen embrittlement 微觀分散能力Microthrowing power
界面張力 Interfacial tension 槽電壓Tank voltage
臨界電流密度 Critical current density 靜態電極電位Static electrode potential
原電池(自發電池)Galvanic cell 鰲合物Chelate compound
鹽橋 Salt bridge 整平作用Leveling action
PH值 PH Value 覆蓋能力 Covering power
基體材料 Basis material
氣相沉積 Vapor deposition
化學鍍Electroless plating
化學鈍化Chemical passivation
化學氧化 Chemical oxidation
電鍍 Electroplating
疊加電流電鍍 Superimposed current-elec-troplating
光亮電鍍 Bright plating
合金電鍍 Alloy plating
多層電鍍 Multilayer plating
沖擊電流 Striking current
金屬電沉積Metal electrodeplsition
金屬噴鍍 Metal spraying
刷鍍Brush plating
周期換向鍍 Periodic reverse plating
轉化膜 Conversion coating
掛鍍 Rack plating
復合電鍍(彌散電鍍)Composite plating
脈沖電鍍 Pulse plating
真空鍍(真空蒸發鍍) Vacuum deposition
熱浸鍍 Hot dipping
離子鍍 Ion plating
浸鍍 Immersion plating
高速電鍍High Speed electrodeposition
滾鍍 Barrel plating
塑料電鍍 Plating on plastics
磷化 Phosphating
化學鍍光Chemical polishing
化學除油Alkaline degreasing
電拋光 Electropolshing
電解除油 Electrolytic degreasing
電解浸蝕 Electrolytic pickling
出光 Bright dipping
機械拋光 Mechanical polishing
有機溶劑除油 Solvent degreasing
光亮浸蝕 Bright pickling
汞齊化 Blue dip
刷光 Brushing
乳化除油 Emulsion degreasing
除氫 Removal of hydrogen embrittlement
逆流漂流 Countercurrent rinsing
封閉 Sealing
染著力 Dyeing power
退鍍 Strip
熱擴散 Diffusion
熱溶 Flash melting
預鍍 Strike
著色 Colouring
脫色 Decolorization
噴丸Grit blasting
噴砂 Sand blasting
噴射清洗 Spray rinsing
超聲波清洗 Ultrasonic cleaning
弱浸蝕 Acid diping
緞面加工 Satin finish
強浸蝕 Pickling
滾光 Barrel burnishing
磨光 Grinding
陽極袋 Anlde bag
光亮劑 Brightening agent
助濾劑 Filteraid
表面活性劑 Surface-active agent
乳化劑 Emulsifying agent
絡合劑 Complexing agent
絕緣層 Resist
掛具(夾具) Plating rack
潤濕劑 Wetting agent
離心干燥機 Contrifugr
添加劑 Addition agent
緩沖劑 Buffer
移動陰極 Swept cathode
隔膜 Diaphragm
鰲合劑 Chelating agent
整平劑 levelling agent
匯流排 Busbar
水的軟化 Softening of water
大氣暴露試驗 Atmospheric corrosion test
中性鹽霧試驗 Salt spray test
不連續水膜 Water break
PH計 PH meter
孔隙率 Porosity
內應力 Internal stress
甘汞電極 Calomel electrode
電導儀 Conductivity gauge
泛點 Spotting out
針孔 Pores
參比電極 Reference electrode
變色 Tarnish
點滴腐蝕試驗 Dropping corrosion test
測厚儀 Thickness gauge
玻璃電極 Glass electrode
結合力 Adhesion
哈林槽Haring cell
恒電位法 Potentiostatic method
恒電流法Galvanostatic method
樹枝狀結晶 Trees
脆性 Embrittlement
超皮 Peeling
剝離 Spalling
桔皮 Orange peel
離子選擇性電極 Ion selective electrode
海綿狀鍍層 Sponge deposit
燒焦鍍層 Burnt deposit
麻點 Pits
粗糙 Stardusting
晶須 Whiskers
腐蝕膏試驗 Corrldkote test
霍爾槽 Hull cell
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